WA Easy API - WhatsApp Business APIs


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Transform your business by reaching customers on WhatsApp

Engage audiences, accelerate sales and drive better customer support outcomes using the Official WhatsApp platform

Chat with customers
Send approved templates
Reply to customer queries
Send messages to broadcast lists
Sync your Google Contacts and more

WA Easy API Inbox

Start a new chat, reply, send templates

Manage contacts and labels

Sync your Google Contacts and initiate chats easily

Add new contacts
Sync existing contacts
Create labels and assign contacts

WA Easy API Inbox

Respond quickly from the inbox

Send text messages
Send template messages
Send contacts & locations
Send media and documents
Send audo and video messages

Send Marketing Campaigns

Send bulk marketing messages to upto 5000 contacts

Send WhatsApp marketing campaigns to your customers and grow your sales. Upto 5000 numbers are supported in one campaign. You can run n number of campaigns. Make sure to not spam frequently or your number might be compromised by Meta.
for developers

WhatsApp Business APIs

to manage business profile, send and receive messages, templates and more

Setup your WhatsApp Official Business APIs and send messages using packages and message or chat with your customers

nodejs $: npm i waeasyapi
python $: pip install waeasyapi
php $: composer require waeasyapi/waeasyapi
go $: go get github.com/waeasyapi/waeasyapi-go
                    const WAEasyAPI = require('waeasyapi');
const waInstance = new WAEasyAPI({ acc_id 'YOUR_ACC_ID', acc_secret 'YOUR_ACC_SECRET' }); // number must start with the country dialing code // eg: 187778777 OR 917023270788
const number = '917023270788'; const message = 'Hello from WA Easy API!';
waInstance.sendTextMessage(number, message) .then(response => { // handle response }) .catch(error => { // handle error })
// for all available methods

Ready to get started?

Explore WA Easy API, or create an account instantly and start sending messages. In case you're have an issue, feel free to reach us.


Pick a plan as per your convenience and get started; no hidden cost.


In case you're facing any issue, feel free to reach our team.

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